Learn, stretch, grow.
And build a legacy you’re proud of.

Whole-hearted, straight-forward, nitty-gritty coaching to help you build a legacy in business and your relationships.

It’s time to stop spinning your wheels and start making traction toward your legacy.

You’re not interested in merely coasting through life with no real purpose or direction. You’re here to build a meaningful legacy that will far outlast your time – a legacy that you're proud to leave for all the precious people you love.

You dream and do, plan and execute, learn and grow. And you’d rather fail forward -- even when it shakes you to your core -- than give up on yourself and your dreams.

You’re not here to just get through life. You’re here to live with passion, purpose, and intention! And more than anything, you’re here to build a meaningful legacy that you're proud of!

And I’m here to help you make it happen.

Brands I’ve Partnered With

How Can I Help?

In Your Relationships —

Friendships | Family | Marriage

I see you. And I know that you do your very best to be a good person, always do the right thing, and attempt to have awesome, healthy relationships. But, honestly, letting someone see the underbelly of your personal life still makes you want to crawl into a hole and hide. You know you want to learn to set healthy boundaries, communicate clearly, and finally feel truly known by the people you love. But before you can have the kind of relationships you crave, you need help understanding the frustrating places where you keep getting stuck. I’ll help you explore the things about yourself that you don’t even know that you don’t know -- not because I have all the answers, but because sometimes an attentive outsider can help you sort through the parts of yourself that you aren't able to see clearly on your own. And when you can do that, you'll be able to fully embrace your whole, incredible self and emerge into a space where you can authentically connect with others! And isn't that what we all want in life?

In Your Business —

Executive Leadership | Sales Growth | Start-Up Launch

First, let me pause and say that you should be so proud of yourself. You’ve worked really hard to get to where you are today. And yet, sometimes it feels like you’re spending all your time in your business when what you really want is to be working on your business. You’re done spinning your wheels and white-knuckling 24/7, but a very real fear of failure still keeps you from taking the next step. And maybe, you aren’t even sure what the next step is or, honestly, if you can afford to take it -- sometimes literally! But in my decades of experience as a business leader, multiple type-ratings as a private jet pilot (something I'm really darn proud of!), and mentor to countless amazing individuals  (just like you!), I've found that there are certain risks that are just plain worth it. Let me help you navigate the complicated, and often overwhelming, internal struggles of business ownership and develop a realistic, growth-driven plan of action to take your business to the next level!

In Your Team —

Recruiting & Hiring | Senior Management | Team Dynamics

People can be complicated. (And isn't that the understatement of the century!) And while you’ve done your level best to lead your team with real integrity and thoughtful care, it's still possible that tensions remain high and things feel like they’re hitting a breaking point. You know you need to sort things out, but it also feels like there’s too much at stake to spend time and risk face by pulling back the curtain in order to do some rearranging. What you really need is an experienced guide who knows both people and business, who understands complicated dynamics and optimal leadership structures, and who can tactfully help to create a sense of trust that allows for maximum productivity. Easy enough, right? When you invite me to work with your team, I’ll help you get a closer look at the individuals and the whole in order to uncover what’s causing tension and guide you through the process of listening and sharing that will ultimately move your people toward true teamwork that leads to better business outcomes.

Hi I’m Debbie —

I’m here to be your chief coach and biggest cheerleader toward building your legacy!

After 30+ grueling years building a successful multi-million-dollar business (and enjoying my sweet spot of coaching others along the way), I know that there’s no one-size-fits-all solution to growth and success. I approach everyone I meet with an open-mind to really listen - rolling up my sleeves so I can discern and really dig into the details of real life and business alongside you! Because when it comes to building a legacy, generic advice and pat answers just won’t cut it. I believe it takes a nuanced, holistic approach that involves all aspects of what it means to be a healthy, whole person. And I am convinced that when you make progress on the inside, it spills out into your life as a whole.

I’m not here to dole out advice or act like I know better than you. I’m here to offer you the support, encouragement, and accountability you need to not just succeed, but to create a legacy that surpasses material success. Because when it's all said and done, who you are is the real legacy you will leave. And I'd love nothing more than the opportunity to help you embrace the fullness of all you are meant for so you can leave a legacy you're proud of!

So what's my philosophy?

  • I am convinced that the most powerful thing we can do for ourselves is to live in a posture of humility, embracing a lifestyle where we are always learning. Whether it’s from the people around you, a formal education, your own research, or time spent introspectively reflecting inward, a commitment to always learning is the pivotal foundation to building a meaningful legacy. Learning -- consistently, over time -- leads to an inevitable stretching, which is always necessary for real growth.

  • As we learn, we are then challenged to stretch. When we think outside the box, do something we’re afraid to do, take a risk, or step into new territory, we are doing the necessary work of stretching ourselves. And hard as it can be to accept, often the thing we are most fearful of doing is the thing that will stretch us the most. When we lean on what we are learning and step out -- stretching ourselves -- something amazing happens: we make space for growth.

  • It would be so nice if we could grow passively, but the reality is that we grow through lived experience. When we learn something new and stretch ourselves to implement it, the result is always growth. Even if we experience what feels like the worst outcome – that scary thing called failure! – if we learn from our experience, then we will continue on the trajectory of growth. And growth -- consistently over time -- is how you build a legacy!

Hear from a few people I’ve enjoyed helping!

Ready to get started?

  • Shoot me a message to let me know what’s going on and I’ll get back with you to schedule a time to chat over the phone. I’ll ask some questions to get a sense of what you’re needing to determine how I can help .... and you'll get a chance to ask me all your questions about working with me!

  • On our call, we’ll determine if we are a good fit for coaching. I am super collaborative, so if I believe someone else may be able to better give you what you need, I won't hesitate to connect you with them. But if we discover that we are a good fit, then we will map out a plan that meets your needs.

  • Whether we’re doing individual coaching, a full day with your team, or I’m riding shotgun with you on a good ol’ fashioned sales call, you’re going to get the very best of me. I will help you dissect the nuts and bolts of what’s holding you back and uncover the pivotal next steps —so you can build a legacy you’ll be proud of and will last far longer than imagined.