Welcome to the place where lifelong learners stretch and grow.





Love Learn Lead Legacy

I’m going to let you in on a secret:

I never set out to build a business.

To be honest, running a business was never my dream. When I started out in sales, it was all about the people, people, people. I loved seeing how showing genuine care for someone and going the extra mile could light up their face. For me, that’s always where the magic's been.

The truth is, the success I've had in business has always been propelled by my absolute determination to give every single person I encounter a sense of immeasurable value. To let them know that they matter – more than a sale or a deal or a partnership. Because, at the end of the day, the impact you leave on people is what matters most.

That’s why now, as a coach, it’s still about the people for me.

And that starts with my relationship with you. Before you hear a word of feedback from me, I’m going to do my darndest to understand your perspective, your desires, and your fears. And only after we've worked together to untangle what's making you feel stuck will we begin to craft a plan for meaningful progress. 

Because I know how it feels to wonder if you're making a difference. I know how it feels to be so overwhelmed that pulling back from everything feels like the only option. And I know what happens when you neglect your relationships at the expense of your work, and even what happens when you neglect yourself at the expense of your relationships.

I'm here to help you find health and wholeness in yourself as you navigate your work and your relationships -- and ultimately, to help you build something that will outlast you -- a legacy.

I'm here to help you become healthy and whole, so you can create a meaningful legacy – at work and at home.

My Guiding Values

And what I hope for you.


Love is what grounds, guides, and compels us.


Growth requires a willingness to learn.


We all have spaces of influence.


You can create an impact that outlasts you.

How did I get here, you ask?

Everything changed when I began my own coaching journey.

I was a successful business owner, a proud mom, a loyal wife, and a devoted Christian. Everything about my life looked really good. But internally? My world was spinning. 

I had built my life around helping others, and in doing so, I’d lost myself. I didn't know how I truly felt or honestly, even what I really wanted. My energy was focused on trying to help everyone around me survive and thrive. But it wasn't working. And to make things worse, some of the people who are most precious to me were suffering and there was nothing I could do to help. It was the worst feeling in the world.

I felt frustrated, helpless, and confused. I was struggling to keep all the plates spinning and found myself wondering how I was going to keep going.

I realized I needed to take charge of my life and figure out how to be whole — apart from my work, and even my relationships.

So in 2017 I began a year-long intensive leadership coaching program (that turned into a life-long journey of transformation!).

I dove deep into my life story and processed trauma from my childhood and family of origin. I learned to self-differentiate and ask for what I need. I began setting boundaries and holding onto them, even when it was painful and uncomfortable. And over time, things in my life -- internally and externally -- began to shift. And, despite how great my life looked before, I can say with honesty that I've never felt more free, alive, and full of joy!  

Now, as a coach, I have the immense privilege of helping others name and untangle the places they're stuck, and learn to create a healthy, whole life so they can build a meaningful, lasting legacy.

The Fun Stuff!


I'm so grateful to have worked with some truly amazing people!

“Meeting with Debbie is like putting on a suit that has been custom fit for you! She meets you exactly where you are, and helps you establish clear and measurable goals to ignite growth and change.”

Shannon Baker, Lead Designer at Evergreen Staging Company

“Working with Debbie just felt like talking to an old friend you know cares about you. She made me feel capable and hopeful. And, oh my gosh, I just had so many aha moments! ”

Julie Brooks, Hall Marketing Group

“Debbie asked lots of questions and helped me discover a way forward that was right for me. She could have easily made me feel stupid or near-sighted, but instead she brought my own intelligence and knowledge to the forefront.”

Marcus Brecheen, Ministry and Business Consultant

Feel like you’ve finally found the right fit?

Let’s work together!

Finding the right coach is a little like trying to find a good partner. And it's especially challenging when you aren’t even *totally* sure exactly what you need. That’s why I offer a free consultation to see if we’re mutually a good fit. As we chat I promise no judgment and no pressure – just a curious, compassionate person who’s here to listen and help you make a plan.