I want to be a part of your village.

Whole-hearted, straight-forward, nitty-gritty coaching + consulting to help you build a legacy in business and your relationships.

Let’s Get Real.

“It takes a village” applies to all aspects of life.

Cliché as it is, we all need to "find our people." Because you’re never going to cultivate the relationships you want or build the legacy you dream of with endless white-knuckling, wishful-thinking, or winging-it. No one can. And believe me, I've tried!

Regardless of how you define and envision success, everyone from the great Mother Teresa to the infamous Warren Buffet has had a village of people that they learned from and grew alongside. Because we all need people with expertise and experience to come alongside us. People who are willing to dive into our real lives and offer encouragement, insight, feedback, and accountability. And maybe most importantly, someone who genuinely cares about you as a person.

Whether you’re trying to deepen your marriage, realign your family relationships, or figure out what the heck it actually looks like to have "good" boundaries, all your effort will only take you so far when you try to do it all on your own. Even as a naturally relationship-oriented person (Enneagram 2 here!), I've lived much of my life thinking I had to be self-sufficient. Don't be a burden. Don't ask anyone for anything. Put your head down and figure it out. Sound familiar? You're not alone. Our culture has taught us to pull ourselves up by our bootstraps and get it done! Whatever "it" is. But what I've learned is that regardless of how it may seem, no one builds sustainable, good things alone. We all need help.

And that’s why I’m here.

I’m here to offer real-life, real-time encouragement, insight, and accountability so you can live healthy and whole as you cultivate a legacy.

Let’s Break It Down.

Relationship Coaching

Friendships | Family | Marriage

Relationships are complex and nuanced, because people are unique and multifaceted. But we all know that relationships can be one of life's greatest gifts! Healthy relationships can offer us a life that's full of connection, meaning, and joy! Of course we all want the relationships in our lives to be healthy, but have you ever felt confused about what that even really means? One moment you feel like you're really connecting and the next you feel completely neglected or taken advantage of. What gives? And you know that feeling when something is just off, but unfortunately, without a safe place to process, learn, and grow, you often end up stuck in the same cycle of frustration – or potentially making things even worse. Yikes!

  • As a Certified Coach, I will offer you a safe space to unload everything you’ve been carrying, process all that’s in your head and on your heart, and figure out the root of what’s really going on.

    You can expect to get the validation you’re missing, the perspective you need, and the insight you’re looking for. But more than all of that, I’ll offer you a warm space where you can show up exactly as you are, while simultaneously helping you find deeper, more authentic connection in your relationships. And most importantly, I'll help you peel back the layers to become the most healthy, whole, and authentic version of YOU.

    I’m not here to tell you what to do or dole out my personal opinion, but I will do my level best to create an environment for you to access your own answers and the courage to pursue change. Whether you’re struggling with your spouse, a parent, a child, or another loved one, I’m here to help you find healing and a path forward that honors what you need, while also keeping you connected to the people you love (and maybe even cultivating peace with the people who are a little harder to love). Because you deserve the peace that comes from accepting yourself in a way that makes room to accept others, too.

Business Consulting

Executive Leadership | Sales Growth | Startup Launch

Leading a business is hard work (but you already knew that!). And yet, few business leaders ask for help. Whether you think you can’t afford it, you feel the pressure to do it all yourself (I've for sure been there!), or you just don’t even know what kind of help to ask for --you’re not alone. Far from it! Most business leaders I know are so busy in the business that they never put their heads up to consider how they might work on their business. If you aren’t sure what I mean by that, keep reading, because business consulting is likely for you!

  • In my 30+ years of experience, I’ve found that those who "rise" to the top are the ones who continually seek to learn and grow. The ones with a humble approach, a growth mindset, and a willingness to go out on a limb and risk making mistakes. They’re the ones who realize that they can't keep their heads down forever – completely submerged in the work at the detriment of the business. And with that realization, they have the guts to hit pause and figure out how to make a real change. In my experience, it's not easy!! And it's likely why you've found yourself at a crossroads.

    If you're in that place – yay! No, seriously. Awareness is the first step towards catapulting your business to a place where you can rise above the noise and begin building a legacy. If you’re looking for practical, hands-on, no-BS guidance with your business, then I’m here to help. Together, we can create a plan to increase your revenue, untangle challenges within your team, and cultivate a culture that promotes health and growth. I’ll listen to the unique challenges you’re facing and help you develop a plan that will guide your business to whatever’s next for you. Whether you’re struggling with the next big move, you’re overwhelmed with the current structure, or you're just getting started, I'd love nothing more than to get into the nitty-gritty with you and help you rise!


Clear pricing so you can plan for what you need.




Coaching + Consulting


Full Day



Coaching + Consulting with the Team

4 Hour Session

Working Lunch

Option to include Michael Rasa




Coaching + Consulting
with the Team

4 Hour Session

How to Get Started

  • Shoot me a message to let me know what’s going on and I’ll get back with you to schedule a time to chat over the phone. I’ll ask some questions to get a sense of what you’re needing to determine how I can help .... and you'll get a chance to ask me all your questions about working with me!

  • Once we’ve had a chance to chat, we’ll get a sense for whether you’re needing relationship coaching, business consulting, or some combination of the two. I am here for you – whatever that might look like. And together we will map out a plan to meet your needs.

  • Whether we’re doing individual coaching, a full day with your team, or I’m riding shotgun with you on a good ol’ fashioned sales call, you’re going to get the very best of me. I will help you dissect the nuts and bolts of what’s holding you back and uncover the pivotal next steps —so you can build a legacy that exceeds your dreams and outlasts your lifetime!